Senin, 14 Mei 2012

Melampaui Inovasi

Berbicara tentang desain bangunan di dunia tentu kita tidak akan pernah kehabisan topic menarik untuk dibahas. Dari desain bangunan klasik hingga yang futuristic semuanya selalu menjadi topic menarik untuk dibahas. Ilmu di dunia desain arsitek pun terus berkembang, banyak orang berlomba – lomba untuk menciptakan sebuah pakem baru untuk mendapatkan pengakuan dari dunia. Namun dalam hal inovasi desain bangunan tidak hanya memperhatikan aspek estetika segi servis dan kenyamanan juga perlu diperhatikan. Aspek itulah yang mengantar Amsetrdam menjadi “Best International Venue Award di Exhibition News Awards” tahunan yang ke 6. Sebuah penghargaan yang diberikan kepada penyedia lokasi untuk exhibition bertaraf internasional. Dalam event ini Amsterdam bersaing ketat dengan kotakota besar lainnya yang juga masuk dalam nominasi. Amsterdam menang mutlak dalam event ini karena memiliki fasilitas yang menonjol dan pendekatan yang professional, serta memiliki lokasi dan penawaran yang bagus.

Penghargaan yang diraih oleh Amsterdam diatas turut memperpanjang deretan penghargaan yang diraih Belanda di bidang arsitek. Selain itu pengakuan internasional pada keahlian arstiek arsitek di belanda juga didapat oleh Rem Koolhaas yang  memenangkan lifetime achievement for the 12th International Architecture Exhibition Venice, Giardini and Arsenale, 29 Agustus – 21 November, 2010 karena karya – karyanya yang jauh melebihi dari pemikira arsitek lainnya dan membawa pengaruh yang cukup signifikan.

Tak pelak jika inovasi desain arsitek di Belanda selalu dinanti – nanti arsitek di belahan dunia lainnya, inovasi yang break the rule dan menciptakan pakem baru di dunia aristek. Keberanian untuk berinovasi inilah yang patut dijadikan contoh para arsitek dibelahan lain, sehingga perkembangan ilmu arsitek tidak akan pernah berhenti. 

Minggu, 13 Mei 2012

Simple Innovation that Was Unthinkable

Simple Innovation that Was Unthinkable

Lighting could be incorporated into one basic human needed. Almost all activity needs lighting. Begun from relying on sun and moon as a lighting and then invented the fire, and  at this time  most of  people in the work rely on lamps as a lighting devices. Many obstacles will be occurred if the lighting is reduced or not available. For example the decline of productivity in manufacture and some accidents can happen in the road if there are no lighting during the night. For that many research have been doing to develop lighting technologies which is more effective and save energy. Research to develop lighting and lamps continue to be done in many countries, but few have succeeded in giving significant effect. However, this didn’t happen to one innovation that had been done in Netherlands, a country which frequently invents unpredictable innovations in the world. One of them was an innovation that became a topic in Dutch Daily News recently. That innovation was an uncommon lamp installation in Catharinaplein, Eindhoven.
The lamp was installed floating, actually it was not really floating because that lamp didn’t support by poles but hanged between trees in that area, that gave floating effect if looked from far.  This system emitted the light effectively to all directions, the number of received lux more evenly if it compare to the lighting pole systems, which is the light will be centered under the poles. Beside more effective, this innovation also saves energy, because this systems use LED (Light Emitting Diodes) lamp type. This innovation was held by Philips one of company was established in Netherlands which now almost covered all lighting markets in the world. Philips also one of company which is has main office in Netherlands and continuing to improve their products. Even though they already exceed 100 years, their technology never left behind and continue to create new trend in lighting technology.
I certainly will not tell you more about the success or other innovations from Philips, but my explanation above in purpose to give real evidence about development and creative innovation that continue to occur in Netherlands. As we know innovation I mentioned above will not give a profit directly to the initiator, but that reason never obstruct creativity action, even by a big company such as Philips. Creating an innovation in the goods we use familiar in our daily activity is not easy, because came an understanding that we already get the advantages of this goods without any innovation happen to them. But an example about innovation in lamps that create by Netherlander, open my minds. However slightly the benefits of object near to us, we may to critic and detail in analyze or even do some research so we can get an optimum output that make our live easier. 

By : Galuh Arum

I amsterdam

Amsterdam is the capital city of Netherlands, and that makes it feasible for tourism. In Amsterdam we can find a lot of unique places and many entertainments offered.

Starting with bikes, we can find a lot of bikes in here,  most of locals here use a bike as transportation, and they try to influence tourists to do same as their daily habit. To support these efforts they provide many rental bikes all over the city. They have packaged their daily habit to be a nice entertainment for tourists. In many tourist recommendations they always mention that the best way to enjoy Amsterdam is by hiring a bike. It is awesome how unique they package this bike so everybody who comes to Amsterdam will never miss it. No wonder some people call Amsterdam “Bike City”.  

            Life style, in here we can also have unique life style. I am not really sure if life style is the best word to describe how marijuana is sell legally in cafe.  Not only that we also can find a lot of sex shops that offer their products openly on display, they sell a lot of kind outrageous toys. Even they have a sex museum. They believe that sex is not something that not good and it is to be discussed in general, and they believe sex is the next human need after food, home, and clothes. Obviously this becomes something of interest to tourists to visit here because it makes Amsterdam really different from any other city in the world.

The next unique thing of Amsterdam is the maze of canals that encircle the city. The tourists can see nice buildings around the maze. Actually the function of these canals is to keep the sea water is not entering the city. But again government and locals here can package all things around them so it can be something of interest to tourists.

There is not enough space to tell the unique features of Amsterdam in one article, it will be more than satisfactory if we go to Amsterdam and compare my explanation above to the real experience. What government and locals in Amsterdam do is evidence that they are keep on making unique innovations to show the world.

By : Galuh Arum